To the good man
Train your hands for war and prepare your fingers for battle
So that you may protect your people
Even when those people mistake you for the enemy
Put your purpose before all else
So that you may serve your turn in this lifetime
Even when your devotion is painted as selfishness
Steady your gaze and stay the course
So that you may see your mission’s end
Even when you are tempted with the trap of comfort
Keep your spine straight and dig your toes into the earth
So that your integrity stands erect
Even when you are invited to bend
Keep your eyes wild and your teeth sharp
Lest you dishonor the nature you were born from
Even when they try to rip you from her bosom
Speak from your belly when upholding truth
So that you fill the room to the rafters with your voice
Even when pointing fingers smear you with lies
Know when to shield your heart, but always keep it open and filled with love
So that you never become what you have been accused of
Even if it’s only you who knows it
To the good man…
And do not apologize.